Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Slutwalk Professor Ramos Blog

Slutwalk It was the summer of 2012, my sister sent me an invite on Facebook to attend this rally called Slutwalk in Riverside. I then googled â€Å"Slutwalk† to see what it was about and it’s a march organized as part of a movement protesting social attitudes that blame and stigmatize female victims of sexual assault. I saw that this march was taking place in different countries such as Europe, Asia, and India. It was very interesting so we decided to go and I brought my daughter with me to show our support. Once we got there we see 50+ people making signs and waiting for the rally to start.   Before it started there was a speaker which was a high school girl talking about her experience with sexual assault and bullying in high school and how if anything like that happens you need to speak up and tell someone. After her speech everyone started to gather and were told the planned route we were going to march on. I look around and see many people of different races, people with disabilities and genders. It’s crazy to think that these types of things can happen to anyone, not just women. According to RAINN 1 out of 6 women and 1 out of 10 males are raped or assaulted each year. Sexual assault has no preference and we need to bring awareness to end rape culture and its stigma. Such as, if you wear something deemed â€Å"slutty†, it does not automatically give consent. As we walked down University Avenue with our signs and as I pushed my daughter in her stroller many people began to yell out â€Å"yaaaaaaasss† and â€Å"fuck yeah!† out their windows. But along with this support I also received weird stares because I brought my daughter with me, but I didn’t really care. People honked their horns to show support and it made the crowd happy. We got a couple people catcalling and whistling because some of our rally members were dressed provocatively, such as fishnet stockings and bras, which just made the crowd chant â€Å"no means no!† even louder. As we walked you could hear many people chanting different things like â€Å"end rape culture â€Å"or â€Å"our body, our choice.† After marching for close to an hour we came to our destination and were told by the rally members that everyone was invited to join them down the street for water on this hot. Reading some of the signs were inspiring and made me empathetic towards their experiences which overall, made me even more open-minded. I was glad that my daughter and I attended this rally even though she had no idea what was going on. I wanted her to experience it and hopefully also inspire her to let her know that she is strong and that anything is possible if you try. I want her to feel like she matters and that she’s important. Down the street we all met at Back To The Grind, which is a coffee shop, art gallery, and music venue in Downtown Riverside. We went in to grab some coffee, saw that there was a live band playing and vendors who had set up booths to sell their hand-printed shirts and other goods. As I was walking around browsing from vendor to vendor, I saw that one of them were a selling handmade zines. Zines are like magazines that are usually self-published and filled content chosen solely by the author/creator. This zine in particular was called â€Å"Riot Grrrl†, which is an underground feminist punk movement that began in the early 1990’s in Washington state. It is a subcultural movement that combines feminist consciousness with punk style and politics. It was a good reading, it was about how these women got inspired by the music they listened to such as bikini kill, Le tigre, and the gossip. These bands were fronted by female vocalists who used their platform to expose women to f eminism. They wanted to make sure that their voices were heard and that their words would empowered women so that they might be able to do the same. They also talked about their experiences and the stigma women face every day. Such as the way a woman is supposed to dress, the lack of female politicians, views on rape culture, and how women are expected to be stay at home moms. There are still so many stereotypes that women continue to face to this day. After walking nearly the entire day, I finally got the chance to lay down and reflect on this experience, I was exhausted. I finished reading through some of the zines I was given and felt truly empowered by that day’s experience. I hoped that everyone who participated in Slutwalk also felt this same level of empowerment and inspiration. Hopefully for those who did see our signs, were also curious enough to look into the meanings behind them. Especially younger girls, I want them to stick up for themselves or have their voices heard and be strong. I want rape culture to end so people can stop saying â€Å"you got raped because you were asking for it.† I wish that all the stereotypes and stigma women face every day can just disappear. I know it doesn’t take a day but I hope me marching in Riverside made somewhat of an impact on someone or even just letting them be aware of things that are happening in the world. I want everyone, not just women to know that rape cu lture is alive and we need to bring awareness to it and end it. This march made a big impact on my life, it made me more aware of things. It helped me stand up for myself, and let me know that women are enough and that we matter. It made me the person I am today. Finally, I turned off the lights, laid on my bed and put on â€Å"Rebel girl† by Bikini kill and went to bed.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Soft Skills in the Workplace The Top 4 Skills for Successful Managers

Soft Skills in the Workplace The Top 4 Skills for Successful Managers Ever looked at your supervisor and thought in exasperation, I could totally do that job!? Dont be fooled- odds are theres more to a managers job than meets the eye. If youre a manager yourself or just have your eye on the managerial prize, consider how you can develop and maintain behind-the-scenes soft skills that will keep you at the top of your game like these, from Lei Han at BeMyCareerCoach.com.1. Leadership and People Management SkillsAs a manager, you need the leadership and people skills that will help you attract, retain, direct, motivate, train, and manage the people you supervise. Get to know your workers one-on-one so you can more effectively make use of their strengths, accommodate their challenges, support their goals- employees know when their manager has their best interests at heart, and its a great way to motivate your team.2. Communication SkillsYou have to be able to work up and down the chain of command in your workplace- that means learning to advocate for your team to the higher-ups and  supporting the initiatives that youre handing down to your employees. Make sure everyone understands their roles, and make sure you offer a receptive ear whenever one of your employees needs to be heard.3. Conflict Resolution SkillsNothing says Im in charge like being the end of the line for employee conflicts. Incompatible personalities or differences of opinion on a complex project can blow up into a catastrophe if not managed from the start.  Take the time to assess your mediation skills. If they could use a tune-up, see what programs or classes your company might offer to help you improve them. You can then offer coaching to employees that helps them resolve future conflicts on their own, paying your new skills forward and making everyones worklife run more smoothly.4. Networking SkillsFor managers, the ability to foster relationships and put the right people in touch with one another solves problems and generates great ideas. Its a demonstration of judgment and generosity that supports all of your employees across different divisions and departments.Keep in mind that skills that support are just as important as skills that demand accountability when it comes to managerial relationships; soft skills like these will help you remember your employees are people first, and workers second.4 Soft Skills Every Manager NeedsRead More at bemycareercoach.com

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Medieval Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Medieval Philosophy - Essay Example In his illustrious Proslogion, Anselm longs for seeing the holy face of the Lord, which is, according to the Abrahamic mythology, impossible to do in this life on the earth. Consequently, idea about God can only be conceived and imagined, instead of seeing the countenance of the Lord. The theologian further expands his notion by stating the very fact that though the concept of God is much greater than human power to conceive, it does not put His existence in doubt altogether. Moreover, since God cannot be seen, but can be understood and imagined, it is somewhat a vehemently difficult thing to believe in someone unseen because of the deficient mental and physical faculties attributed to the human beings at large. Somehow, the fool would, according to Anselm, take the concept of God as an illusory matter in nature, which could only be supposed because of the characteristic of His concept, existing in the minds of the people only rather maintaining any reality in its scope. Since God has been in the fool’s understanding since long, but having no clear picture and image related to Him, the fool can understand His concept in the same manner as he conceives about the unreal objects that have no real existence in the world. Thus, having belief in the (Supreme) Being, unable to be conceived, is hard nut to crack for the fool.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Four Freedoms for All Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Four Freedoms for All - Essay Example The first freedom, that of speech is the hallmark of a democratic society where people are free to express their opinions on a variety of subjects. Speech differentiates man from any other form of life and allows humans to communicate, and through this communication to explore and create in fields as diverse as music or art, science or medicine. This freedom of speech and expression is not just a basic right, but also a means to impart ideas that contribute to man’s ever increasing knowledge as well as his growth, happiness, and well-being. The curtailment of this freedom can subdue man for a while but in the end, when he sees others enjoying it, revolt is inevitable. In today’s world of speedy communication, this phenomenon is being increasingly seen in the overthrow of dictatorships around the world. In democratic societies, it is the tool used to keep a watch on the activities of those in power, because unbridled power can lead to corruption. This freedom in the hand s of the media is a powerful tool to place facts before the people so they are in a position to make informed choices while choosing their leaders. However, every right comes with a responsibility and freedom of speech does not mean maligning others or their way of life and customs or traditions. A responsible way to use freedom of speech is to respect the rights and freedoms of others. The second freedom is man’s freedom to worship the god or gods of his choice and in a way, he feels fit for his own peace of mind. Today religious intolerance is what is leading to many of the world’s problems. ... It is important to note that a man’s religion or religious beliefs are his personal choice hence it is important for each one of us to have the freedom to choose whom we worship and how we do it. Ultimately all religions preach the same things and they really are the same except for the names that they go by, which again are given to them by man. Religion and religious beliefs have always been the source of conflict since the time man began to worship nature and the elements. Every religion has gone through phases when people were killed and tortured in the name of religion. Most religious leaders are under the impression that the greater the numbers of their followers, the better their religion or the stronger their faith, little realizing that no religious body teaches its followers to kill or steal or lie. Despite this underlying truth that is self evident, religious persecutions have dogged mankind from time immemorial and persist even to this day. International bodies can pass resolutions and nation states can pass laws, but ultimately unless man is willing to admit that religion is a personal choice and cannot be forced on another through fear, real freedom of worship cannot be attained. The third freedom, that of freedom from want is the vast imbalance between the haves and the have nots. There are some countries in our world where poverty is rampant. The people do not have the basic necessities of two square meals a day or a roof over their heads. Here malnourished mothers give birth to underweight babies who do not have a chance to grow into healthy children or adults. Infant mortality rates are high, and those babies who do survive, fall prey to diseases that are spread due to the unhygienic conditions in

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Applying Risk Management Essay Example for Free

Applying Risk Management Essay Risk management is an important element in managing information systems. Applying risk management principals to business procedures is essential because it helps organizations design and maintain a safe systems environment to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of company data. Kudler Fine Foods has expressed an interest in developing an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. The primary objective is to improve business administration by integrating stores and business systems. Kudler Fine Foods has three stores in California and integrating business functions across all stores would be extremely beneficial. This paper will outline the major factors and benefits by applying risk management principles to ensure a secure and effective system. Risk Management Principles According to Whitman and Mattord (2010), risk management is a collaborative effort involving Information security, information technology, management, and users. It is important to involve all of these areas to devise a comprehensive and effective risk management strategy. The major principles include identifying risks, quantifying risks, plan for risks, and monitor and manage risks. The first stage is risk identification. This is when the organizations managers identifies all of its assets and classifies them into meaningful categories in addition to prioritizing them by importance. Assets include various components such as people, processes, data, and all elements of information technology. Gathering information on assets such as the people aspect processes, and data could be challenging because they are not always documented and readily available. The information gathered for people may include position titles, the title of his or her supervisor, security levels, and skills. Information collected  for processes may include procedure description, purpose, IT connections, document storage location for reference and updates. After listing out the assets, the next step is to classify them into categories such as people, data, software, and hardware and then classify each asset into sub-categories such as confidential, internal, and public. Applying value or impact to each asset is next by determining its criticality to the business. Questions that may help to assigning a value may include; Which assets generates the highest profitability?, or Which asset would impede business functions if it were compromised? Quantifying risks provides the framework for executives to make informed decisions in relation to cost and resources surrounding security. All of the steps outlined above is essential in the risk identification stage (Whitm an and Mattord, 2010). After completing the risk identification process where all assets are identified and classified, the next phase is to determine the potential threat source and potential vulnerability. Some common threat sources include natural threats, human threats, and environmental threats. According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (2002), a threat is an exploitation of a vulnerability caused by a threat source. The NIST publication suggests the following: identifying a threat source, indicating the motivation of source, and outlining the threat actions. This practice will help determine the likelihood of a threat taking advantage of a system vulnerability. Next in the process is identifying vulnerabilities. Vulnerability is a weakness or flaw in procedures or controls applied to a system. Identifying potential vulnerabilities will help an organization put controls in place to mitigate risks associated with vulnerabilities. Risk mitigation involves a systematic approach in reducing the exposure to a risk and the likelihood of it occurring. Mitigating defined risks is the gateway for the development of processes and controls to reduce the likelihood of a threat. Having prevention mechanisms that include policies and controls is best practice in regard to securing assets therefore it is critical that Kudler Fine Foods determines the best risk management process that fits their business requirements and needs. Because technology is consistently growing and changing, preventative measures must include flexibility to allow for change and growth. Without these considerations, a business could jeopardize themselves by restricting the ability to expand or even update the systems  with necessary security patches. Preventative measures should include future growth. As technology grows, risks increase. Protection mechanisms will change as new threats are introduced to business as well as new legislations. Many security standards are based on data protection regulations and as laws change or new laws are introduced, information technology is the most costly element in ensuring compliance. There could be costly ramifications with poor planning. Risk avoidance can be costly and inconvenient but it would be more costly and inconvenient when a security issue occurs. A risk assessment would be the first step to take when determining whether to chance a certain risk or not. Determining what the assets are and understanding the impact on the business if a security incident occurs is important. It is also important for businesses to understand regulations and what is necessary to comply with certain laws and requirements. Kudler Fine Foods must conduct risk analysis and ask themselves â€Å"What is the risk of not applying preventative measures?† and â€Å"What would it cost to recover from a certain attack?† Legal ramifications could result if a security breach occurs. This could include steep financial penalties as well as jeopardizing company reputation. The table below outlines examples of risk, vulnerability, and mitigation strategy. Risk Vulnerability Mitigation Strategy Hardware failure Hardware could fail and impede business. Systems could be unavailable for an undetermined amount of time. Create security policy to ensure all hardware is kept up to date with current patches and upgrades. User training Insufficient training of end-users leads to improper use of application which could compromise data or systems. Create detailed training documentation and implement a user training program. Ensure all users participate in training. Deliberate network attacks Potential Malware and Denial of Service attacks. Could lead to exposure of sensitive information. Implement policy to ensure adequate firewall  protection, anti-malware software, and install Intrusion Detection System. Conclusion It is important for businesses such as Kudler Fine Foods to employ a risk management strategy to protect its assets and reputation. Without an effective risk management process the company will be vulnerable to various threats. It is Kudler Fine Foods responsibility to determine what mechanisms should be applied and how it will maintain a secure environment for its own business objectives as well as meeting required regulations. The risk management process is the primary method in facilitating security objectives. References Whitman,M.E., Mattord, H. J. (2010). Management of information security(3rded.). Boston, MA: Course Technology/Cengage Learning National Institute of Standards and Technology. (2002). Retrieved from http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/800-30/sp800-30.pd

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Advertisement Comparison Essay -- essays research papers

Advertising is the chief profitable industry in the United States today. Billboards, signs, magazines, newspapers, radios, televisions, and computers are just some of the places where advertisements are found. At the heart of any one company’s advertising campaign is the consumer. The consumer has complete control of their own money and can choose to buy any product or service they desire. Advertising does not control the consumers on what they buy. It only informs them on what they can buy. This is known as consumer sovereignty. It is the responsibility of the company to develop an advertising campaign that generates a demand for their product or service. A company usually promotes a product or service by means of appealing to a particular group in society. For example, an advertisement’s target audience could be men between the ages of 25 and 40 or children between the ages of 5 and 10. There are basic needs that all of us, as humans, share and the advertisement agen cies incorporate them into their ads. The most dominant needs include sex, affiliation, nurture, guidance, aggression, achievement, dominance, prominence, and attention. An advertisement can appeal to one or more of these needs through the use of colors, words, expressions, and statures illustrated in the ad. A comparison of two advertisements for the same product, but different brand names, will allow one to better understand how a company uses different human needs to sell their product. Two coffee ads, one for Cafà © Vienna and one for Millstone, will be compared to determine the dominant strategy that each uses to create a desire to buy. The ad for Cafà © Vienna coffee uses the need for guidance to appeal to middle age coffee drinkers. In contrast, the need for achievement is what attracts middle age coffee drinkers to Millstone brand coffee.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The colors observed in the coffee ads are supportive of the individual needs they appeal to. The Cafà © Vienna ad has a color fade effect to it. It starts with dark black and deep orange and fades to a light yellow almost white in the center. This supports the need for guidance because the use of color gives the person reading it a sense that they are being lead towards the light at the end of a tunnel. On the other hand, the bright reds, blues, whites, and yellows found in the Millstone ad support the need for achievement. The... ...nd coffees. Although these ads were for the same product, the companies involved used very different strategies to lure consumers to their product. The Cafà © Vienna advertisement appealed to our need for guidance, while the Millstone ad appealed to our need for achievement. Each advertisement appealed to a human need through the use of colors, words, expressions, and illustrations. All advertisements are planned out and target a specific group in society. The target audience for the coffee ads were middle age men or women who drink coffee. Advertisements effect every person everywhere and reflect the attitude of our society. That is why we must understand the concepts behind advertising. No one can predict what new forms advertising may take in the future. But the rapidly increasing cost of acquiring new customers makes one thing certain. Advertisers will seek to hold onto current customers by forming closer relationships with them and by tailoring products, services, and adver tising messages to meet their individual needs. So while advertising will continue to encourage people to consume, it will also help provide them with products and services more likely to satisfy their needs.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Elementary Teachers Essay

Did you know that teachers take on the role of mothers, fathers, friend, adviser, psychologist, and nurse? Teachers are the keys to every door of success. Elementary teachers, however, builds the foundation for the home of your dreams. Most people believe and view elementary teachers as â€Å"babysitters† and â€Å"caregivers,† but truth be told, they are truly God sent heroes dressed in suits that walks around with an extra arm and leg making the world a better place. They are not people that you send your children to just so you can have a break at home. It is a disgrace that parents’ have that mentality and modern parents’ continues to think so. Many do not understand the sacrifices and hard work it takes to mentally raise not one, not two, not three, but hundreds of children. Three very important things you need to know about elementary education are as follows; first and foremost, you must familiarize yourself with the duties and responsibilities of an elementary teacher, secondly, you must know how to become one, and lastly, if you value hard-earned money and the sweat of your hard work, you would want to know how much an elementary teacher earns. I asked a question on the beginning of my introduction to give you a feel and picture of what an elementary teacher goes through everyday. Parents complain and leave all the problems to the teachers to figure out when really, that is not their job. Their job is to make sure that your child receives the best education possible. Not to babysit and try and break their bones teaching them wrong from right. The question on the beginning of the essay creates a conversational tone and will allow readers to search for the answer or read along searching for whether the answer is true or false. U.S Department of Education Secretary, Arne Duncan stated, â€Å"I really believe that teachers are the HEROES of our society. † Being a teacher is not an easy job. Teachers make it look easy but in actuality, teachers are miracle workers. They are able to take care of a classroom full of active curious George’s, and not just anyone can do that. Teachers have many duties and responsibilities. They provide the main source of knowledge for children, ensure that values are being taught well, and create and prepare lesson plans for whatever subject they are teaching whether it be math, English, science, or etc. A teacher knows her students best so they evaluate one’s achievements, abilities, weaknesses, strengths, and challenges them to overcome obstacles that are hindering them. They prepare students for standardized tests and most especially, for future grade levels. Besides in-class teaching, they spend over 20 hours outside of class grading papers, organizing extracurricular activities, and worrying about their students. Remember that being an elementary teacher is not the same as being a regular teacher. Dealing with children is much harder than dealing with teens and young adults because children are not accustomed to the English language and their minds are not as focused as older students. Teachers, other than parents, are people you can turn to when all else fails and the world seems like a dreadful place. Now that you are familiar with the duties and responsibilities of an elementary teacher, you are now wondering how to become one. The steps and procedures needed to achieve this goal. Depending on what school you are applying to and whether it is a private or public school, the process differs. Most if not all schools requires at least a bachelor’s degree in elementary education, a state-issued certification or license, and other required trainings and tests. Some private schools do not require a bachelor’s degree or certifications but they do evaluate your experiences. Because you are working with young children, you must know how to adapt your teaching methods to the students’ levels. You are going to come across students who are not as fortunate as others, students that are slower or faster than others, students that are different colored than the others, and just some students that are much more active than the others, but it is your job to adapt and learn how to deal with whatever situation you are in. You must have great communication skills, patience, instructional skills, and creativity. Like I have mentioned earlier, requirements on how to become a teacher depends on what school you are applying for and whether it is a private or public school. It is always best to do some research on the specific school you desire. Lastly, with all the steps and procedures to become an elementary teacher, how much they actually make is the sad part. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U. S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012-13 Edition, Kindergarten and Elementary School Teachers, statistics states that The median annual wage of elementary school teachers was $51,660. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $34,390, and the top 10 percent earned more than $80,140. Public school teachers make an average of $50,000-$70,000 annually. Private school teachers make an average of $50,000-$60,000 annually. Thus implying that public school teachers makes more than private school teachers because private school teachers’ salaries depends on how many students are enrolled and tuition fees whereas, public school teachers’ salaries depends on certifications and degrees. The higher your degree is the higher your pay is raised. Despite how much the average teacher makes, many people, especially teachers, feel they are underpaid. They work more than 50 hours a week, sometimes works on the weekends, and spends most of their time doing unpaid tasks at home. Many teachers quit their jobs in 5 years because of the low paid salaries. In conclusion, despite the low paid salaries and take home work teachers deal with, it takes a true hero to care for someone else is child and guide and teach them the basics of education. They spend most if not all of their time at home grading papers, worrying about their students, and finding different ways and techniques to help a child in need. They are the eyes, the ears, and the brains of students. Without them, education would not be possible. They deal with different types of students that go crazy because someone just stole their pencil, or she broke a nail, or he is going on a vacation with grandma, or her birthday is coming up. They have these special powers that can tell when something bad is happening, or something is wrong, or something just does not feel right. Most teachers do what they do not for how much they make or the credibility but for their students and because they care. I was raised by a teacher and living with her and seeing first hand how hard it takes to be a teacher and how all she wants is to see her students succeed is one of the best rewards anyone can ever receive. I have used the technique â€Å"summarize† for my conclusion to recap and restate the main points of my essay. In doing so, it allows readers to go through what they read but in one whole summary. We do have heroes in the world, after all. Source list: http://www. kimskorner4teachertalk. com/writing/sixtrait/organization/conclusions. html http://www. campusexplorer. com/careers/DE17C02B/elementary-school-teachers/ Bureau of Labor Statistics, U. S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012-13 Edition, Kindergarten and Elementary School Teachers, on the Internet at http://www. bls. gov/ooh/education-training-and-library/kindergarten-and-elementary-school-teachers. htm.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Psychology: The Quest for Understanding Essay

Much of the ever-changing world of psychology had posed itself in the midst of diverse discussions based on both historical evidences and the latest discoveries, which were and are by-products of the complex minds of experts and heedful practitioners. Some elements of psychological concepts may have existed ever since, while some had been subjects of criticisms and debates for decades now. Nevertheless, this development never ceases to provide the base of perspective formulation for people studying Psychology. It enriches their ways of interpreting behavior based on empirical evidences, depending on their varying priorities and methodologies. Psychology employs the scientific methods in its efforts to discover the reasons for human behavior. There has been several different approaches developed for psychology and each perspective seems to attribute human behaviors and actions to different factors. In this paper, I shall be providing an insight of the five (5) major Psychological Issues that have come about as a result of varying positions and beliefs, giving emphasis on their basic concepts, arguments, and my personal standpoints on each. The debate over whether humans are the result of predisposed genetics or if their lives and personalities are shaped by the surrounding environment began in the 1600’s when a man named Richard Mulcaster wrote his book, â€Å"Nature Makes the Boy Toward, and Nurture Sees Him Forward. † Arguments on this issue contrasts genetic information against developmental process, instinct against learning, and history against environment. Moreover, debates over whether language is innate or learned and behaviorism are among the most popular topics of Quest for Understanding 3 discussion under this matter. It is hard to believe that something as complex as human behavior can be completely explained by either side of the argument. For instance, men are seen to be superior over women since birth. Through time, women had proven that they are just as valuable as men, in all fields for that matter. In Psychology, women’s contributions were overlooked. Who would have thought that the likes of Anna Freud, Karen Horney, Mealanie Klein, and Mary Whiton Calkins can surpass the underestimation to women during their time. It is just difficult to separate the role of genetics and environment. We should, rather, appreciate the interactions that take place between nature and nurture. Personally, I do not feel that either has any greater of an influence than the other. I believe that nature influences nurture and nurture influences nature simultaneously. We should seek a sense of equilibrium between the two. This issue tries to put a dichotomy to whether behaviors can be attributed to the unconscious or the conscious level of thinking. The word ‘conscience’ is derived from the Latin word ‘conscientia’ which means ‘knowledge within oneself. Sigmund Freud partially forged to the development of this issue with his Psychoanalytic Theory of Personality. Aside from the ego-ideal, he viewed conscience as a vital part of the superego. Within this proposition, people are hindered by the conscience to do immoral and punishable deeds, while the ego ideal motivates people to do morally acceptable acts. His theory also suggests that a child’s consci ence is shaped by what is taught to him by his or her parents. On the other hand, dreams and â€Å"slips of the tongue† usually express the unconscious. Thoughts, memories, and desires, which comprise this Quest for Understanding 4 level of the mind situated below the conscious has a considerable influence on one’s behavior. Maslow supports Freud’s claims regarding the conscience. He (Maslow) believes that it is our human nature to have a basically â€Å"good† personality and have an intrinsic conscience, which is based on the unconscious and preconscious perception of our own nature, of our own destiny, of our own capacities, of our own ‘call’ in life. † (Maslow, A. Toward a Psychology of Being. page 7). Also, Karen Horney speaks of unconditional love being valuable to a child’s well-being. She quotes: Unconditional love is an essential for the child’s normal development, and when this is refused, the environment comes to be dreaded†¦ – it is perceived as a menace to his individuality, his development, his instinctive strivings to grow, his freedom and his happiness. In an environment in which the basic anxiety develops, the child’s free use of energies is thwarted, his self-esteem and self-reliance are undermined, fear is instilled by intimidation and isolation, his expansiveness is warped through brutality or overprotective ‘love’. † It is my utmost belief that each of us has a conscience, being the source of our judgments. As a child, many of us were brought up to distinguish and practice our moral values. That is, we always strive to do good things, and avoid actions that may bring us feelings of frustrations and guilt. However, much is random that many people have â€Å"claimed consciousness,† that sometimes justifies acts offensive to others. That is why pursuing education, in addition to everyday life experiences to make it holistic, shall foster the preservation of our moral integrity. Situated at the core of our personhood, molded by our experiences form birth, it should be nourished and Quest for Understanding 5 developed. With regards to the unconscious, I honestly deem that it indeed has interplay with our conscious minds. Our aspirations, hidden thoughts, and memories do manifest with the way we think and react to every situations. B. F. Skinner is known to have pioneered the concept of behaviorism or the learning perspective. He argued that human beings respond to their environment, but also work on that environment to create certain consequences. This framework is based on a scheme which states that all actions that living things do should be regarded as behaviors. It assumes that the material world is the absolute reality, where man exists in the absence of mind and soul; that man is a biological machine that responds to conditioning; that we, human beings, are not responsible for our actions; and that people’s behaviors can be predicted and manipulated. In brief, great are the ethical consequences of behaviorism. Man is reduced to a purely biological being, unaccountable for the consequences of his actions, exempted from his responsibility, informed freedom, and dignity. He is to be â€Å"shaped† by those who can utilize the tools of behaviorism effectively. Alternatively, the examination of Internal Mental Process such as problem solving, memory, and language comprises Cognitive Psychology. This psychological framework has its foundations in the works of Wertheimer, Kohler, Koffka, and Piaget. They were all cognitive psychologists who were very much interested in how people comprehend, diagnose, and solve problems, focusing on the processes between stimulus and people’s response. It differs from behaviorism as it accepts the use of scientific method and openly acknowledges the existence of mental states like motivation, belief, and desire. Quest for Understanding 6 Underlying issues within the presumed dichotomy between behaviorism and cognitivism could include for instance how people use information in remembering and reasoning, how our senses define the character of our perceptions, how fear is learned from particular objects or situations, and the causes of anxiety and phobic disorders. I find it unethical to say that people’s behaviors should be manipulated and shaped, even by those who can effectively use the tools of behaviorism. Is there really such a person who can â€Å"effectively† do this? Are the minds of children for instance blank slates which shall be exclusively filled with his parents’ and teachers’ inputs? In our ever-changing world, especially that human beings are above the instinctive species, the concept of behaviorism cannot be absolute if not, utilized. Humans always learn to adapt in varying situations. The concept of cognitivism, I should say, is agreeable as it is more organized, and provides for empirical evidences that acknowledge scientific processes. It paved the way for scientific tools to emerge and measure cognitive levels, consequently identifying learning methodologies most suitable for different kinds of people. Free will is the belief that our choices are, ultimately, â€Å"up to us† and that an individual has control over his or her behavior and understands the motives behind it. Determinism, as one of the major concepts of psychoanalytical assumptions (Freud, 1940), asserts that our gestures, mistakes, and slips of the tongue are meaningful and non-accidental and that these seemingly innocent errors are in fact outcomes of the unconscious area of the mind. Other determinists Quest for Understanding 7 further claim that behavior is determined by some force over which humans have no control, such as genetics, upbringing, or fate. Although there exists a discussion whether everyday occurrences are determined or not (determinism versus indeterminism), debates involving these concepts do not strictly lie at putting a line between the two. Interestingly, it is whether determinism and free will can coexist (Compatibilism) or not (Incompatibilism). Compatibilism is the view that determinism and free will can coexist, and stands in direct contrast to incompatibilism, which posits that either determinism or free will is true, but not both. Incompatibilists believe that if determinism is true, then we are not free and cannot be held responsible for our actions. Most of us would like to believe that we have free will because we would like to think that we have a mind of our own and that everything that we do is up to us and the events of our lives were caused by our own choice of actions. Religiously speaking, free will is what distinguishes us from other creatures. It makes us believe that we control our lives. With that, it liberates us from the bondage of conforming and mediocrity brought about by our difficulty of fitting ourselves in. Accepting, however, that we are free consequently requires us to have a great deal of responsibility. And that responsibility makes free will not only a psychological issue. Mean to say, we cannot speak of free will without considering relationships, because we usually base our choices on existing political structures, our socio-economic situations, and cultural practices. Take a prostituted woman in a third world country for example. No girl has dreamt of being victimized by commercial sexual exploitation. Most of us would easily throw criticisms on her situation as we righteously speak of the alternative choice she could have opted to take. Does Quest for Understanding 8 she really have a choice if she is the eldest of eight siblings, with her mother and father separated; if poverty deprived her of finishing her studies; and if her body was her last resort to earn money to support her family’s needs?

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Tuberculosis (TB) Essays - Tuberculosis, Mantoux Test, Free Essays

Tuberculosis (TB) Essays - Tuberculosis, Mantoux Test, Free Essays Tuberculosis (TB) Tuberculosis 1. Identification-identification requires finding the organism Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the cause of TB. Respiratory symptoms should prompt an exam of the sputum, first by an acid-fast smear, then by culture and identification of the organism. The smear results should be available in hours. If positive, a diagnosis of TB should be assumed and treatment started. Final confirmation requires isolation of the culture. Radiographs of the chest are helpful in the identification. 2. Agent-TB is caused by an infectious agent known as mycobacterium tuberculosis. 3. Occurrence-The number of TB cases had been declining by an average of 5% per year nationally since 1953. This situation changed in 1985, when the incidence began to climb. In 1990, 25,701 TB cases were reported to the CDC. This represented a 9.4% increase over 1989 and was the largest for a single year since 1953. Reported cases increased 15.89% between 1985 and 1990. Although the AIDS epidemic has caused many of the changes, immigration, homelessness, drug abuse prison overcrowding, acts in public health funding, and drug resistance have also contributed to a situation that is out of control in some parts of the country. And because TB is contagious, the risk extends beyond the groups traditionally considered high risk. TB has changed from a disease of older people to one of young adults and children. It has also evolved from a disease that struck across all racial and ethnic lines to one that is far more common among black and Latino populations than whites. The age distribution of new cases also point to a strong-but not absolute-link with AIDS. The greatest increase has been in people 24-44, the same group most seriously affected by HIV infection. 4. Reservoir-Only people were discussed but also animals. 5. Mode of Transmission-The agent infects the lungs by inhalation of infected droplets formed during coughing, singing or sneezing of an individual with the active form of the disease. 6. Incubation period-about 4-12 weeks 7. Period of communicability-As long as viable tubercle bacilli are being discharged in the sputum. 8. Susceptibility-The most hazardous period for development of clinical disease is the first 6-12 months after infection. But in the case of HIV infection, infection and development of TB symptoms is shorter than that in HIV negative patients with TB. According to some reports, HIV infected patients can develop primary progressive TB within a few weeks of exposure to M. tuberculosis. 9. Resistance-TB has changed bacteriologically. Today in New York, as many as 20% of TB patients are infected with M. tuberculosis that is resistant to isoniazid (INH) and rifampin. TB experts believe that the drug resistance problem is due in part to poor compliance, which is bad among TB patients. In addition, widespread indifference to TB during the last two decades meant that no new specific anti-TB drugs entered the pipeline, monitoring for resistance lagged, and rapid diagnostic tests were not developed. 10. Methods of control-Controlling TB is very difficult. A. Preventive measures-TB specialist overwhelmingly prefer the intradermal Mantoux test for screening. Candidates for screening include HlV-positive patients, close contacts of TB patients, people from countries with high TB rates or medical conditions that predispose to active TB, and residents of long-term-care facilities. Because of the high prevalence of anergy among HlV-infected patients, the CDC recommends administering companion tests for delayed-type hypersensitivity simultaneously with the Mantoux test. Most TB patients are treated with INH and rifampin as outpatients for 6 to 9 months. Much of the responsibility for detection, prevention and treatment lies with our increasingly impacted and understaffed public health clinics throughout the country. The private sector also shares in an increasing demand for treatment of cases. More than 35% of the reported cases reported to the county health department come from sources other than public health facilities. Preventive therapy ordinarily consist of INH 300 mgs. daily for 6 to 12 months. Where the risk of TB is very high, such as in those who are HlV- positive, 12 months is recommended. In all cases it is essential to rule out active TB before giving INH alone. The BCG (Bacillus of Calmette and Guerin) vaccine has been used in many parts of the world to prevent TB. Unless the BCG vaccine has been received within the past year, a positive TB skin test result in any person should be considered as indicating TB infection regardless of the remote history of a BCG vaccination. They should be assessed regarding TB disease. B. Control of patients, contacts and the immediate environment-Of particular concern is the documented increase of disease in children. When TB is under control in a community, children should rarely be infected and essentially

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Global Climate Change and Evolution

Global Climate Change and Evolution It seems like every time a new story is created by the media about science, there needs to be some sort of controversial subject or debate included. The Theory of Evolution is no stranger to controversy, especially the idea that humans evolved over time from other species. Many religious groups and others do not believe in evolution because of this conflict with their creation stories. Another controversial science topic often talked about by the news media is global climate change, or global warming. Most people do not dispute that the average temperature of the Earth is increasing every year. However, the controversy comes in when there is an assertion that human actions are causing the process to speed up. The majority of scientists believe both evolution and global climate change to be true. So how does one affect the other? Global Climate Change Before connecting the two controversial scientific subjects, it is first important to understand what both are individually. Global climate change, once called global warming, is based on the annual increase in the average global temperature. In short, the average temperature of all places on Earth increases every year. This increase in temperature seems to be causing many potential environmental issues including the melting of the polar ice caps, more extreme natural disasters like hurricanes and tornadoes, and larger areas are becoming affected by droughts. Scientists have linked the increase in temperature to an overall increase in the number of greenhouse gases in the air. Greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide, are necessary to keep some heat trapped in our atmosphere. Without some greenhouse gases, it would be too cold for life to survive on Earth. However, too many greenhouse gases can have extreme effects on the life that is present. Controversy It would be pretty hard to dispute that the average global temperature for Earth is increasing. There are numbers that prove that. However, it is still a controversial subject because many people do not believe that humans are causing global climate change to speed up as some scientists are suggesting. Many opponents of the idea claim the Earth cyclically becomes hotter and colder over long periods of time, which is true. The Earth moves in and out of ice ages over somewhat regular intervals and has since before life and long before humans came into existence. On the other hand, there is no doubt that current human lifestyles do add greenhouse gases into the air at a very high rate. Some greenhouse gases are expelled from factories into the atmosphere. Modern automobiles release many types of greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, that get trapped in our atmosphere. Also, many forests are disappearing because humans are cutting them down to create more living and agriculture space. This makes a large impact on the amount of carbon dioxide in the air because trees and other plants can use carbon dioxide and produce more oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. Unfortunately, if these large, mature trees are cut down, the carbon dioxide builds up and traps more heat. The Effect on Evolution Since evolution is most simply defined as the change in species over time, how can global warming change a species? Evolution is driven through the process of natural selection. As Charles Darwin first explained, natural selection is when favorable adaptations for a given environment are chosen over the less favorable adaptations. In other words, individuals within a population that have traits that are better suited to whatever their immediate environment is will live long enough to reproduce and pass down those favorable traits and adaptations to their offspring. Eventually, the individuals that have less favorable traits for that environment will either have to move to a new, more suitable environment, or they will die out and those traits will no longer be available in the gene pool for new generations of offspring. Ideally, this would create the strongest species possible to live long and prosperous lives in any environment. Going by this definition, natural selection is dependent upon the environment. As the environment changes, the ideal traits and favorable adaptations for that area will also change. This could mean that adaptations in a population of a species that were once the best are now becoming much less favorable. This means the species will have to adapt and perhaps even undergo speciation to create a stronger set of individuals to survive. If the species cannot adapt quickly enough, they will become extinct. Polar Bears and Other Endangered Species For example, polar bears are currently on the endangered species list due to global climate change. Polar bears live in areas where there is very thick ice in the northern polar regions of Earth. They have very thick coats of fur and layers upon  layers of fat to keep warm. They rely on fish that live under the ice as a primary food source and have become skilled ice fishermen in order to survive. Unfortunately, with the melting polar ice caps, the polar bears are finding their once favorable adaptations to be obsolete and they are not adapting quickly enough. The temperatures are increasing in those areas which make the extra fur and fat on the polar bears more of a problem than a favorable adaptation. Also, the thick ice that was once there to walk on is too thin to hold the weight of the polar bears any longer. Therefore, swimming has become a very necessary skill for polar bears to have. If the current increase in temperature keeps up or accelerates, there will be no more polar bears. Those who have the genes to be great swimmers will live a bit longer than those who do not possess that gene, but, eventually, all will most likely disappear since evolution takes many generations and there just is not enough time. There are many other species all over the Earth that are in the same sort of predicaments as the polar bears. Plants are having to adapt to differing amounts of rainfall than what is usual in their areas, other animals need to adjust to changing temperatures, and still, others have to deal with their habitats disappearing or changing due to human interference. There is no doubt that global climate change is causing problems and increasing the need for a quicker pace of evolution in order to avoid mass extinctions all over the world.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

International business economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

International business economics - Essay Example In this pursuit, an M&A team also had been setup to seek out prospective targets (Dutta and Chaturvedi, 2005). The main target of globalizing the company was in terms of boosting up exports substantially. Entering the Chinese market through joint ventures or transfers of technology was also on the cards. But these aspirations failed to materialize and instead when the opportunity to acquire Daewoo, a concern that had a market share of 22 percent even with large idle capacities, arrived, Tata Motors grabbed it (Dutta and Chaturvedi, 2005). The objective of the present endeavor is to look at the acquisition in detail to the extent allowed by the scope. In what follows we look at the strategic and economic rationale of Tata Motors that motivated acquisition, seek to explore aspects like the strengths of Daewoo Motors that made it potentially valuable for Tata Motors, the major challenges faced by Tata Motors in the process of acquiring Daewoo and the major potential synergies and their materialization. To perceive the rationale of the acquisition, it is first necessary to understand where Tata Motors stood just before this breakthrough phenomenon in the history of the Indian Automobile industry. Although Tata entered the sphere of manufacturing automotive vehicles way back in 1954 when it collaborated with Daimler-Benz, it spent the following two decades or so in enhancing its R&D base of operations through a multitude of collaborations and manufacturing mainly construction equipment (Dutta and Chaturvedi, 2005). The first commercial vehicle was manufactured in 1977 and by 1983, Telco, as Tata Motors was known until 2003, initiated its production of heavy commercial vehicles. ‘TATA 407’, the company’s first light commercial vehicle that was completely indigenous in design was launched in 1986. In 1991, the first passenger cars that were designed indigenously, the Tata sierra and the Tata estate,